About Our Club

Our History

The Tallahassee Region AACA (TRAACA) is a region of the national club, the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA). The AACA was established in 1935 and is dedicated to the history of the automobile as well as the preservation and/or restoration of vehicles 25 years old or older. This includes cars, trucks, commercial vehicles and motorcycles in original or restored condition.

The TRAACA was established in 1973. Activities include regular meetings, judged shows, displays, local tours, cruises, rallies and sponsorship and participation in regional and national antique auto related events.

Date Night at Gulf

If you wish to become a member of our regional club, then you are also required to become a member of the national club, AACA. There are many benefits associated with both memberships. Belonging to the Tallahassee Region gives you an award-winning monthly newsletter, the Tallahassee Chassee, and access to many people who share a love of antique and collector vehicles. You may just enjoy the fellowship or partake of the technical expertise available from our membership to help you in your enjoyment of the hobby. Ownership of an antique automobile is not a requirement for membership.

Each year the club participates in many activities, including tours (local and overnighters) and numerous car displays and shows. Our chili dinner and auction is held annually in November and a Christmas celebration occurs in December.

Club Officers for 2024

John Lester – President
Bob Skrob – Vice President
Sam Lester – Secretary
Ken Hart – Treasurer
Fred Jordan – Webmaster

Executive Board for 2024

John Schanbacher – Historian
Norm Madsen
Chuck Kunstbeck
Scott Scearce

Application for TRAACA Membership

Download an application in your favorite format:
MS Word
Adobe Acrobat (pdf)

Complete and mail (with check or money order) to:

Tallahassee Region AACA
P.O. Box 882
Tallahassee, Fl 32302

or bring to the next club meeting.

Jack Hanbury Scholarship History

The club also provides two annual scholarships to 2nd year Lively Technical College Automotive Services students. Click this link to learn more about the Jack Hanbury Scholarship.